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Your vision is about to COME ALIVE!

Can you feel it?


Today’s the day when you find that rare someone who understands your vision for your business. And captures it with the right words, so you can:

  • Finally exhale (phew!)
  • Settle into your zone of genius
  • And actually get around to changing the world…or your little corner of it.

I’m Ngozika Olofin – creative copywriter for coaches, consultants and visionary entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the lives of others.

I’m here to help you put your brilliance into words that get you paid (yes! It’s about time, don’t you think?)

I write to  woo your clients and win them over, even before they get a chance to work with you.

If you’re here, my guess is you’re looking for a copywriter who “gets” you.

You want someone who’ll capture the depth of your vision, so your copy looks as gorgeous on the page as you’d dreamed it to be.

Well now, sweet chil’, I’m here to hug help you.


I know who you are

You’re a big-picture thinker, a creative, a changemaker. You’re big on creating an impact because… that’s what you feel called to do.

Well, guess what. I’m big on impact too and I want to help you make the difference you’re here to make.

Now About Your Vision…

There’s something that lights up in your soul, every time you think about it. It’s so real you can almost …touch it.

Except, no one grasps it like you do.

How do you convey the depth of your vision in “black and white,” so your dream clients catch on, and pay you for it?

That’s where I come in – just call me your Fairy Wordmother.

I translate your vision into winsome website copy. And if you’re looking to grow your audience, I’ll write emails and blog posts that enchant your readers and turn them into paying clients.

Who am I?

I’m a visionary too. Always have been. I’m an adventure-seeking, life-loving storyteller and imaginer-of-things (in a good way). I’m a firm believer in finding your gift and using it to help others find theirs too.

On the archetype scale, I’m a Creator Explorer, which means I’m spontaneous and passionate about your cause. I’m a non-conformist, a bit like you, and I’m allergic to anything that stifles creativity. I’m always looking for a dose of “fresh.”

When I started copywriting in July 2017,  I’d been an accountant for 17 years. But years of “debit and credit” did little for my passion and I craved new adventure. My family’s move to Canada gave me the chance I’d been looking for and I grabbed it. Haven’t looked back since then.

I’m an introvert and a bit of a rebel. Sound like an odd combination? As an INFP on the Myer Briggs personality scale, I love the freedom to express myself. We INFPs are not trouble makers; we really just have something to say and can’t keep quiet until we say it.

And if you know INFPs like Princess Diana, William Shakespeare, Fred Rogers, and Helen Keller, you’ll understand why being heard matters to us. I will make sure you are heard.

What Makes Me Different?

I write from the heart.

I understand your audience’s right to make their own buying decisions and I respect it. So, you’ll never find me being pushy. But I’ll write to make them love you – and once their hearts are with you, rest assured their wallets will follow…

I’m not only about conversions, which is a carrot that many dangle. I’m stronger when I’m creative – that’s how I help you shine.

Working with me means you’ll never have to worry about what to write to your audience or how to write them.

Peace of mind – that’s what you’ll find when you work with me.

Random Facts About Me

  • I’m a volunteer bible educator.
  • Je parle français (you hopefully figured out what means, hehe.)
  • I also speak Igbò and Yorùbá.
  • I’ve won 4 state and 1 national writing prizes (“is that really a humblebrag?”)
  • I have a poetry blog (could write poems all day, all year; I’m even working on a poetry collection.)

I hear you

I love how words let us express ourselves; they give us a voice. But words can do more. They help us sell our ideas too.

But, I’ve always believed that selling should be a joyful act. It’s your chance to impact others and be rewarded for aligning with your calling. Count on me to support your big idea with stellar copy that helps you reach more, so you can be more.

Are You Ready to show up and get paid?

Showing up for yourself and your cause is non-negotiable; it’s like the air you breathe. So, tell me – how can I help you show up today?

Personality-driven web copy?

Soul-stirring brand stories?

Scrumptious blog posts?

Content with a little extra to the ordinary?

I’ll help you make it happen. I’ll tell your story, so it sparkles and inspires. I’ll turn your blasé audience into fired-up loyalists and help you make the difference you’re here to make.

Whatever showing up means to you, I promise to help you craft copy so powerful, you’ll come out only one thing – a winner.

“Delightfully surprised”

I hired Ngozika to turn my ‘blank’ about page into a wonderfully accurate snapshot of my team and my business. She was tagged as a referral by others in a group I trust.

I was delightfully surprised and impressed with how well she depicted two perfect strangers with … her writing skill. I really enjoyed the archetype quiz; I felt like it very accurately described our individual personalities. I definitely would consider working with her again and I have already referred her to several people in my network!

Mindy Bloodworth

Web Designer, JAMB Digital Media

Want an About Page that converts like the Gospel?

Schedule a 30-minute complimentary call with me or send me an email at and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours.